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What Is Factory Window Tint Percentage?

Jul 19

Most vehicles come with the tint level (VLT) that is usually around 80 percent. Multiply the 5 percent of the film you select by 80% to figure out the amount of VLT your car has. The total VLT is around 4percent. Window film that is made from aftermarket has additional benefits, such as lessening glare and heat. Window film that is made by an aftermarket manufacturer is a great alternative to improve your vehicle's energy efficiency.

Calculating the percentage of factory tint

It is possible to tint your car by applying a tiny amount of tinting by knowing the Visible Light Transmission (VLT). The windows that you get from the factory will be tinted, but not the 80 percent of untinted glass. Add the percentage of tint to the window to determine the amount of tint that you'll need. It is easy to calculate for vehicles that already have tint.

The majority of cars have factory tints that range from fifteen to 20 percent. The tint blocks about 80 percent of the visible light, but lets in around 15-20% of the light. It is crucial to determine the amount of factory tint. The more dark the tint, it blocks less light. The higher the percentage of tint the more dark the window. A lower VLT percentage does not necessarily indicate that your windows will appear more dark. Window tints manufactured by factory are an applied chemical coating that is permanently applied to the glass.

Window film that is sold in the aftermarket offers anti-glare properties

Window film that is sold on the market with antiglare features is a great option for a variety of reasons. Sun exposure can lead to eyestrain, poor vision headaches, and other health problems. It also helps help protect carpets and furniture from discoloration. The film is a great option for windows. Let's take a look at the advantages. Continue reading to learn more about anti-glare film's advantages.

Multi-layered film made of anti-glare polyester for windows that are aftermarket is available. It is possible to add dyes, pigments, or metallic particles to the film. These particles may affect the color, reflection properties and light transmission. When the car is sold the particles are then applied to the inside of the glass. When the car is sold the installation process begins. Be sure to wash the glass inside prior to installing the film.

Visit Cutting Edge Window Tinting Now!

It reduces the temperature

The tinting percentage of your factory window will determine the amount of heat your car's interior can reflect. For instance, untinted glass emits 90% of the visible light and has almost none cooling effects. The greater the factory window tint percentage however, the more visible light and heat your vehicle will absorb. How reliable will the company be? Here's how you can determine the most reliable percentage for your car.

VLT ratings are the measure of the amount of light and heat the tint of your window from factory can block. A higher rating for VLT means that your window tint from factory will block more heat. But the lower rating won't reduce the heat either. Window tints that are factory-installed don't offer the same level of protection that professionally applied film. It won't shield your body from harmful UV rays or extreme heat, and will just enhance the look of your car.

Reduces the reflection

The majority of Australian cars come with factory tints that range between 15% and 20 percent. Although these tints protect you from some of the harmful UV rays of the sun but they do not provide complete protection against UV rays or glare. The tints may not protect your skin from sunburns. Window films that are sold at the market can be the answer. The films are made up of several layers of polyester, with added pigments, clay or metallic particles pigments, dyes, and the list goes on. The particles that are added to these films may alter their thickness and colour as well as their reflective properties. When you sell your vehicle, second-hand window film will be applied on the interior of your windows. Make sure you clean the glass inside before installing them.

Based on the location you reside in the shade your vehicle should get depends on the type of tint it comes with. To cut down on glare, it's a good idea to choose a darker shade when you reside in a sun-drenched area. A darker shade will shield the interior of your vehicle and improve the resistance to shatter. The tints can lower heat on hot days and help reduce heat during the winter months.

It reduces gas consumption

Window tints not only provide more privacy-enhancing, they can also help reduce the glare of the sun. They also can increase the efficiency of your gas. They cool the inside of the car and reduces the requirement for air cooling. They also help save on gas. This will make a huge impact on your life in the long run and you'll begin to reap the advantages. Consider how much gas you'll save. How about security?

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